Angleorum/Angleorum occasional table resting on its wingtips

Angelorum/Angleorum table folded flat for display on a wall. When the triangular wings drop and rest on their points they act as table legs.

The table will tip and throw off any object placed outside it's circular "break" design.

The table will tip and throw off any object placed outside it's circular "break" design.

An occasional table made of triangles displays a triskelion.

An occasional table composed of triangular elements.

Arabesque table folded flat for displaying on a wall.

The Sun Over Sea table from the Rococo Industriale Series

The Sun Over Sea table from the Rococo Industriale Series
In this section you'll find a number of occasional tables. Many are based on triangular construction. The first of a new series of Rococo Industriale tables appears as a final entry in this section.
This table's imagery was inspired by classic Orthodox iconography in which angelic seraphs, are depicted by three wings surrounding a central face. The table's name, Angelorum, translates as: "of the angels." When the central letters are transposed, the name reads Angleorum and translates as: "of the angles." The lines and the illustration appear as a modernized style of ancient Greek drawings.
When flat, the table appears as an equilateral triangle, that is trisected to form 3 right angle triangles, which frame a smaller equilateral triangle. The 3 right angle triangles are hinged to become wings. The wings, when folded down, become legs. Although simple, the convergence of the lines and the angles, evokes a kinetic complexity.
The second view shows the table as it appears when fully open. When open, it lays flat and may be displayed on a wall. It can be removed from the wall and set up as a coffee table on those occasions when it's needed to perform a function.
​This little occasional table has a dark secret . . .
If an object is placed inside the diagram on the table's top, the table remains rock solid and absolutely steady. However if an object is placed outside the diagram, the table will rock in the direction of the point, tipping the object off. The somewhat cryptic diagram indicates that outside of its perimeter, the area of safety is breached and breakage is likely to occur. Like many of my functional sculptures, this table is not simply a piece of furniture but has a life all of its own.
Dimensions: Height: 16 inches Width: 29 inches Depth: 29 inches
The image on the tabletop features a triskelion within a hoop or circle. This was first used as a symbol in ancient Greece around 500 b.c.
Constructed in the form of an equilateral triangle, the first triangle was trisected to form 3 right-angle triangles that border a smaller equilateral triangle. The 3 right-angle triangles are then folded back on themselves crossing underneath the table, which now appears to rest on three equilateral triangles when viewed from one perspective or three isosceles triangles, when viewed from another. The dynamic interplay of the angles creates a highly kinetic art form. These small occasional tables make a perfect addition to any room. Due to their low profile, dynamic appearance, and brilliant colors, these pieces attract immediate attention and provide a unique focus in any room.
Dimensions: Height – 14.25 in. Top Width – 29 in. Bottom Width – 33.5 in.
Arabesque is made to be displayed on a wall. The design allows it to be displayed in 3 ways. The table top has 3 equal sides. There are 3 legs. Each leg also has 3 sides. The table is ornamented with 3 tiered chevrons in 3 colors. What gives the table a particularly unusual character is that the top of each leg extends halfway across each side. Yes, The table is quite steady!
The table's name refers to the rhythmic interplay of linear patterns created by various colored chevrons
Sun Over Sea
“what is fragile enough to be crushed in an instant also has the potential to last a thousand years”
Are a fusion of disparate materials and elements and mediums – weak and strong – perishable and imperishable – permanent and impermanent elements and mediums. Renewable materials
Encaustic of colored wax – painting on canvas – spray paint of graffiti – gold leaf – wood carving technique to the impermanence of cardboard – symbol and element -
Combines permanent and indestructible elements of glass and steel with the transient and discardable elements of cardboard and wire. The precious lustre of gold leaf with the dullness of common wax.
Acrylic Paint & Lacquers – Once carved, the exposed carveboard honeycomb cavities are colored with spray graffiti lacquer. Each pleat exposed on the side is individually painted with a range of acrylic colors
Encaustic the natural work of bees at once soft and malleable formless but indestructible
Steel heavy & light – pliable wire