designed to display objets d’ art
Most pedestals used to display art or other valuable objects fade into the background. However, these pedestals are not like some proverbial "child" that should be "seen and not heard." Instead, these handcrafted functional art furniture pieces call attention to themselves in a number of ways. They are unusual, heavily ornamented, and brilliantly colored. They exemplify true functional art in all its aspects. All pedestals are painted steel in dimensions of : Height-40 inches Width -18 inches Depth -13 inches .

Functional Art steel pedestals - Radiance & Chinoisere designed to display objects d' art

Functional Art steel pedestal painted in brilliant colors designed to display objects d' art

Functional Art steel pedestal "Radiance" to display objects d' art

Functional Art steel pedestal. New Sag a stylized saguaro is designed to display objects d' art.

Functional Art steel pedestal designed to display objects d' art.

Functional Art steel pedestal features stylized images of a midway aand is designed to display objects d' art.
The inspiration for the CHINOISERE pedestal reflects Asian influences in the Art Nouveau era. The red top supporting the glass shelf, resembles a Chinese pictograph. The foot of the pedestal mirrors the top, except the individual pieces are not interlaced to form a character. The pedestal's face shows rising wisps of blue smoke, reminiscent of a Japanese woodcut. Falling through the trompe l’oeil smoke, and drifting upward in its currents, are curved rectangular pieces of steel. These are symbolic of “paper offerings” burned during a Chinese festival. The red edge of each has sprung loose from its form, no longer defining it as a distinct entity, symbolizing its consumption in a flame.
This pedestal was named RADIANCE because of its rainbow appearance. The colors on the pedestal are on steel strips that stand out from the pedestal in relief. These pedestals are objets d’art after their own fashion. In a kind of capricious turn-around, they can easily eclipse the art which they display. In this case a utilitarian object becomes more important than the use to which it is put. I recommend art glass for display on this pedestal.
This pedestal, finished in mottled cordovan, presents a more subdued color profile than that of the others. NEW SAG gives a nod to the saguaro cactus, presented here, as a highly stylized Western motif. The drastically altered proportions obscure any direct association with common Western themes. The central pedestal is indicative of a saguaro’s trunk, surrounded by characteristic right-angle arms used to support the glass top. The tiered base also suggests typical Native American designs.
The Giraffe pedestal asymmetrically supports a narrow shelf. The name refers to the curved metal forms that support the stand that suggest the stylistic form of a child's pull-toy.
Carnival Midway is the most recent of the art pedestals. The entire structure is constructed of painted steel. Minimalist representations depict the various aspects of a midway. The stakes with guy-lines holding up a tent. The scalloped form of a tent-top. Merry-go-round horses, a roller coaster, boat rides, a swing ride, a Ferris wheel, toss games and pennants flying overhead are all represented. Inside the pedestal, floating underneath the glass, (not visible from this angle) are a number of small (glass) escaped balloons with "strings" floating behind them.